Posts in Responsible Globalization
Base Operations offers free access to global COVID-19 Map

Base Operations, a company I have invested in, does threat analysis through map visualizations. They are now making their real time COVID-19 map free and accessible to the public, in hopes their technology can support you or the organizations you are involved with.

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One Mai Tai, Hold the Colonialism Please

I was once served a piña colada by the bartender at the Caribe Hilton in San Juan, who claimed that he invented the drink. Of course I did not believe him at the time. I thought it was a line. Turns out to be true.

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Twain on Travel, with a Capital T

You don’t have to be a tourist when you Travel. Tourism tends to put guardrails on one’s mind because of the expectations we often pack along with our Bermuda shorts. Here are just a few of the things Mark Twain had to say on the subject of Travel.

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Yes, you are probably descended from royalty. So is everyone else.

Scientists believe that we all, in fact, descended from a single pair of humans, a kind of Adam and Eve who lived in East Africa a million years ago. Since then, the species grew in numbers, split up, formed tribes, cultures and nations, and we convinced ourselves that “we" now consists of "us and them".  This article rudely reawakens us. Our human genome is widely shared, to the point that we are descendants of the same folks and thus, are all related in some very fundamental ways. Let that sink in for a moment. We don't just inhabit the same planet together, we also we built with the same living stuff. We are, literally, brothers and sisters, all of us. Now, let's start acting like it. 

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Making our small world feel more connected under one big sky

Globalization has brought us closer together, but to many, there’s the feeling that we are on top of one another, furiously competing in a zero-sum game with jobs exported, terrorism and drugs imported, and everyone’s traditional values being trampled. In this dystopian view, the smiling faces of Disney’s vision of the world’s children have been replaced by snarling zombies eyeing their next meal.

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